Tainted Blood

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Episode 03 : Tainted Blood : UK
    Today, the risk of getting a bloodborne disease is rather low unless you engage in a number of high risk behaviors. It’s also why you aren’t allowed to donate blood if you do and donated blood is tested before being put into use. When you’re in a situation where you need a blood transfusion, the last thing a medical facility wants is for you to also contract something like Hepatitis or HIV. They do everything they can to ensure the blood is clean. Sometimes though, other people’s decisions put your life in jeopardy.
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Комментарии • 183

  • @jamieharris2633
    @jamieharris2633 Год назад +61

    The one story that standa out to me is a 12 or 13 yo kid from Kokomo Indiana Ryan White. He was a hemophiliac and contracted HIV/AIDS thru a blood transfusion. He was treated horribly the school he had been going to his whole life up to that point would not allow him to attend classes anymore. The way they treated him was awful. He ended up passing away. There was a movie made about it I remember watching it and my mom and dad telling me "what happened to him was not his fault, you make sure you don't ever treat someone like that. You always go against the grain and stick up for what's right. Doing so won't always be pretty or easy but it's the proper thing to do." It was sad to watch the way adults treated him they were worse than the kids just awful.

    • @SarasotaRainBarrels
      @SarasotaRainBarrels Год назад +10

      We had the Ray family in Florida, they lived in Arcadia and fought a court battle to let the boys go back to school. They won the court case and their house was burned down a few days later. It's a crazy story and might be a good one for this channel to cover. The last of the three brothers just died not long ago.

    • @JLRobbins
      @JLRobbins Год назад +7

      He ended up attending Hamilton Heights high school in Cicero, Indiana. He is also buried there with a beautiful headstone.

    • @tinak.356
      @tinak.356 Год назад +5

      Yes, Fear of getting HIV was a real thing... Poor ryan.

    • @primesspct2
      @primesspct2 Год назад +5

      that was awful, my heart went out to him,!

    • @jillian7636
      @jillian7636 Год назад +5

      Little Swansea Ma was thrown into a national spotlight when it was learned a student had contracted HIV through a blood transfusion he received from having hemophilia. It was 1985 and not much was known about HIV and AIDS. He continued to attend school and I was so proud of the way the kids and adults rallied around him. He wasn’t identified to the media until he died in 1990-when he was a freshman. He didn’t get to graduate with his peers but they never forgot him and honored his memory at reunions and a school dedication. There’s an elementary school named for him now in town and everyone who attended school in Swansea learned his story- including the three children we later had. Thinking about it has got me all teary now! 🥺 So proud of our little town ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @cmeyummy
    @cmeyummy Год назад +40

    My mother was called in for testing (HIV) in the 80ies after having to have a blood transfusion after giving birth to my younger sister.
    It was a terrifying time …
    I live in Australia.

    • @darlenedenis5686
      @darlenedenis5686 Год назад +3

      Hi from Canada. I also had a blood transfusion after giving birth, in 1986. Had to be tested as well and a couple years later I was retested when I got pregnant for my 2nd child. The wait is so stressful, thankfully I was fine. That whole crazy gay plague was just horrible. So many unnecessary deaths and silent suffering 😢

    • @conniefoster8444
      @conniefoster8444 Год назад

      My grandmother received blood at the hospital during an illness. I remember her getting called in to he tested. That was the first time I ever seen fear in her. It was a sad and scary time. I'm in the US

    • @cmeyummy
      @cmeyummy Год назад +1

      @@conniefoster8444 It was a confusing and terrifying time.

  • @GrammaJamma71
    @GrammaJamma71 Год назад +2

    My brother got a blood transfusion in 82 after a bad motorcycle accident, was notified 2 months later it was bad blood. He died 10 horrible years later at 36. RIP Frankie

  • @LadyValkyri
    @LadyValkyri 9 месяцев назад +2

    As an American who has donated blood, but has thankfully never needed any, I'm shocked and appalled by all the governments who allowed tainted blood to be given to people who needed it desperately. We look to our governments to protect us and keep us safe from harm. That those in power (of any nation) would willingly look away is abhorrent. Thank you for raising this issue. Hugs

  • @You.Me.and.Obsession
    @You.Me.and.Obsession Год назад +24

    I had a truly hectic and stressful day and Jile's voice and content have just made it so much better

    • @buggiebuild1
      @buggiebuild1 Год назад +3

      Whenever I have a day like that, I literally go to his channel and I know I’ve missed some uploads on purpose, he truly does have a calming effect✌🏻🥹

  • @gingerbee98
    @gingerbee98 Год назад +12

    I remember so much of this 😞

  • @carolally1296
    @carolally1296 Год назад +5

    The exact same thing happened here in Canada, and the Red Cross, who was in charge of all blood products, also stopped allowing gas men to donate. They also had a class action lawsuit that was settled and the money was doled out to all survivors or their families. Many people also received tainted blood while receiving a transfusion due to accidents, surgeries or traumas.

  • @VampFaye
    @VampFaye Год назад +32

    Massive insomnia has had me staring at the back of my eyelids for hours. Finding a

    • @nowistime8070
      @nowistime8070 Год назад +5

      start reading a novel. it takes a bit to condition the brain to read (I found it took more effort after years of internet and I use to be an avid book reader )

    • @kathrynbillinghurst188
      @kathrynbillinghurst188 Год назад +3

      Have you tried drinking half a cup of warm milk with 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/2 teaspoon raw honey 🍯…just before bed! I did this for a few weeks, and now my body clock is fixed! Lols 😆✌️
      Enjoy the fascinating dreams too! 😅
      I felt heaviness in my eyelids and would listen to a story podcast and found myself waking up in the mornings alongside my family, it’s so good now, that I’m not constantly exhausted anymore! My mind is sharper, especially my moods are less stressed and more relaxed.
      Good luck with it, its tasty too! 🥛🍯

    • @eugeneplum215
      @eugeneplum215 Год назад +2

      I'm the same way I have insomnia myself it been ok at the moment but when I go through it I go through!!!

    • @Harley_Girl68
      @Harley_Girl68 Год назад

      @@kathrynbillinghurst188you do know that nutmeg can cause hallucinations similar to mescaline and can also cause organ damage if too much is taken or taken on a regular basis. People have used nutmeg to get high but it’s seriously dangerous. Just Ask poison control!! Used in small amounts on occasion it’s very tasty spice and no harm will be done.

  • @PoetDarkling
    @PoetDarkling Год назад +5

    I found out I was pregnant in 1986. The father was a hemophiliac. I was 17 and he was 15. I was a few months along when we got a call from the hospital and they told us both we had to come in. We went, and thats when they told us he had contracted HIV through tainted blood when he was a toddler. He managed not to develop AIDS, but he did also get hepatitis C, which eventually turned to cancer and he died about 8 years ago in his forties. The baby, now my grown son, and I were tested every 6 months for years and we never did test positive. We were lucky.
    Talk about survivor's guilt 😢

  • @nugglung4853
    @nugglung4853 Год назад +19

    Who else keeps expecting to hear, "THIS IS MONSTERS" after the introduction!? 😂

  • @MsPopeye65
    @MsPopeye65 Год назад +9

    Thank you for bravely covering this topic...
    I have always hoped that u would...I am such a fan of your work Jiles....
    Unfortunately I am SO triggered by the subject...
    I'm just unable to open up on this particular video...
    I do however have one piece of advice for anyone who cares to read my comment.....Question EVERYTHING when it comes to health treatments...and it's OK to ask for more information before you agree to ANYONE proceeding.
    If you have doubts for any reason.... ?.. that my friend is called instinct... us humans are wired to instinctively know that SOMETHING IS WRONG.....❤

  • @eduardodiaz9942
    @eduardodiaz9942 Год назад +22

    Luckily I was a toddler in the early 90's when the HIV epidemic was raging, but it must have been terrifying to know a single one night stand could mean a prolonged death or a chronic illness in the best of cases.

    • @_bluephoenix_
      @_bluephoenix_ Год назад +13

      It's still possible.

    • @eduardodiaz9942
      @eduardodiaz9942 Год назад

      @@_bluephoenix_ But much less likely. HIV is no longer a mystery virus and contraception is much more widely available. Not to mention, catching it is no longer a death sentence

    • @psmith2714
      @psmith2714 Год назад

      Or getting an HIV blood transfusion

    • @ColdNicole
      @ColdNicole Год назад

      In 2023 it's possible

  • @DouglasH777
    @DouglasH777 Год назад +8

    Love both of your channels

  • @homersimpsonsfatguyhat9541
    @homersimpsonsfatguyhat9541 Год назад +3

    There's a very informative book called Blood by Douglas Starr. It was last updated in 2002, but I would still recommend it for anyone interested.

  • @memoryalphamale
    @memoryalphamale Год назад +12

    I sold plasma while I was at university, it fed me a couple times a week.

  • @VickyCooksalot
    @VickyCooksalot Год назад +66

    The myth of the "gay plague " was so dangerous. There's a point one of the biggest groups was teens and young adults. They thought I'm not gay so I'm safe.

    • @NannupTiger
      @NannupTiger Год назад

      It spread through the gay community because there can be blood involved in gay intercourse, that doesn't occur in normal hetero intercourse.

    • @kathrynbillinghurst188
      @kathrynbillinghurst188 Год назад +3

      I hope you’re living loud and proud now! 🥳✌️💕🎉…embrace!!! 🤗

    • @afghansoffthehook542
      @afghansoffthehook542 Год назад +6

      Nothing about all the people who died here? In the US? Like all the kids who were hemophiliacs? Like, I don't know, Ryan White? I don't know about the rest of the country but I know where I grew up, and Indiana, it was everywhere. It's also in a magazine, time? I think? I don't know I was about the same age as him so I don't really remember it's been a while. But I always wondered did his mom ever get any kind of compensation? From the government, not from oh the house the Elton John bought for her or the car that Michael Jackson gave him that he never got to drive because he didn't live long enough to get a driver's license. If you thoughts

    • @PerishingForLackOfKnowledge
      @PerishingForLackOfKnowledge Год назад

      Conservatives now say transgender people are making the kids gay! 😂

    • @JosieJOK
      @JosieJOK Год назад +10

      @@afghansoffthehook542I came of age in that era-I remember the Ryan White case very well. I also remember the fear, hysteria, discrimination and violence of those days-yet another reason I don’t pine for my lost youth! The Federal fund that bears Ryan White’s name is still in operation, providing HIV/AIDS treatment, training and resources, even now that an HIV/AIDS diagnosis is no longer an automatic death sentence like it used to be. It’s a fitting legacy, although obviously it would have been better had the whole thing never happened, and White could be still here, anonymously living his life.

  • @chasitymorvant1075
    @chasitymorvant1075 Год назад +6

    That's EXACTLY what happened to my grandpa!!! He was born with hemophilia so he had to get frequent blood transfusions back in the 80s and he ended up contracting hep c from the bad blood as he called it i remember this vividly because he would even fuss me and tell me not to shave my legs with his razor because he didn't want me to get hep c.. i took care of him once he was older and i had to take proper precautions when dealing with any wounds or sores that he would have.. i never realized how big this situation was I thought it was just something that happened to him not so many other people!

    • @tinak.356
      @tinak.356 Год назад +1

      GOD BLESS YOU FOR TAKING CARE of your loved on!!!

  • @davidwhite4874
    @davidwhite4874 Год назад +10

    Eye-opening and a reminder of something I had completely forgotten about. More fuel for my already huge mistrust of the government and health professions. Thanks.

  • @cg6348
    @cg6348 Год назад +7

    "And the Band Played On" authored by Randy Shilts.

  • @walkerpantera
    @walkerpantera Год назад +4

    I was raped and infected in 1981 at 13. found out when I went to sign up for military at 17 in 1985. still here at 55 and never been sick. I've seen so many die back in the 80s and 90s. I had so many plans as a teen. I wanted lotsa kids. 😢

  • @lyss8292
    @lyss8292 Год назад +1

    yessss love all the different channels so interesting and very well done!! plus the narrator’s voice is iconic

  • @kittikat2318
    @kittikat2318 Год назад +3

    I’ve literally never heard of this - - this is crazy! Thank you for these amazing videos on such awful topics. You’re better than a history class! ❤️

    • @ShelleyMagner
      @ShelleyMagner Год назад

      @kittikat1839 - If you want more information, check out "And The Band Played On" by Randy Shilts.

  • @OneLuckyLady13
    @OneLuckyLady13 Год назад +1

    Sadly, my father received a transfusion in 1970's ('72-'74) during his back surgery. He left with hepatitis. He died at 56 yo from liver cancer, after years of complications😢

  • @WindyCity-m2o
    @WindyCity-m2o Год назад +2

    Brilliantly done .

  • @RavenhairedBeware
    @RavenhairedBeware Год назад +4

    This is a pretty full-on Sinister & it's pretty upsetting 😞

  • @Killorbekilled-tt7vb
    @Killorbekilled-tt7vb Год назад +4

    Yeee hawww
    Gr8 timing..

  • @carabiner7999
    @carabiner7999 Год назад +1

    I moved to the States in 1980 from the UK, and have only just been allowed to start donating blood this year. The fear here was we Brits might have Mad Cow Disease. Now, I'm no doctor, and I may be a mad, old cow, but I'm pretty sure if I had the disease, it would have presented and offed me decades ago!

    • @MelJHarris
      @MelJHarris Год назад +1

      It's the same here in Australia, they have only just recently started letting people from the UK donate blood for the same reason

    • @carabiner7999
      @carabiner7999 Год назад

      @@MelJHarris I was a bone marrow match, some years ago, but then they found out I was from the UK. So, I couldn't donate. I'd signed up during a drive the local hospital had, after a friend's child had cancer. She, at least, survived. Cheers.

  • @Charlotte66666
    @Charlotte66666 Год назад +7

    Good morning from the UK 😊

  • @TheStromunistNation
    @TheStromunistNation Год назад +4

    Beauty bud!

  • @sol-8340
    @sol-8340 Год назад

    This happened to my best friends high school friends father.
    Her father went in for surgery and ended up contracting HIV. He won a lawsuit but died shortly after when the disease got worse.

  • @cosmictsunami
    @cosmictsunami Год назад +4

    Jiles to the rescue. Good mornin from Louisville, Ky

  • @swedishmom
    @swedishmom Год назад +6

    Thank you for the upload Jiles with a J! 😄

    • @buggiebuild1
      @buggiebuild1 Год назад +1

      That’s funny, you say that, I thought it was spelt with a G way back when I found his channel😂😂✌🏻

    • @swedishmom
      @swedishmom Год назад

      @@buggiebuild1 😄 i thought i would help him with the name. 😄 And thank him for a great video. I thought too it spelled with a G.

  • @kimwalsh
    @kimwalsh Год назад +9

    Thank you Jiles

  • @gremy187z
    @gremy187z 9 месяцев назад

    This situation happened to one of my good friends here in canada back in the 80's. His father received a blood transfusion at the hospital and was infected with HIV from tainted blood, he then passed it on too his wife not knowing and the infection eventually turned in to AIDS which in turn took their lives. The three surviving sons were given $100,000 each around 10 to 15 years later.
    R.I.P to their parents qnd R.I.P to all the people who lost their lives from this terrible situation.

  • @kathywright7395
    @kathywright7395 Год назад +7

    Ryan white.

  • @orchidrose1410
    @orchidrose1410 Год назад +1

    For anyone wondering why anyone would knowingly donate blood if they had any of these diseases, because it hasn’t been addressed, due to the fact that so few people were donating willingly, donating blood and plasma started being a paid endeavor and mostly those who are poor were going down to donate plasma. I know plenty of people who were only able to make their rent after donating plasma. Then there were those who donated because they had family and friends who were sick and could feel the pain of those who were suffering, not a one was a rich Wall Street millionaire/executive

  • @homersimpsonsfatguyhat9541
    @homersimpsonsfatguyhat9541 Год назад

    There was at least one American company that sent their non heat-treated product to be sold in Central America. Unfortunately, greed tends to win out over decency.

  • @samsngdevice5103
    @samsngdevice5103 Год назад +3

    As birth control I just use my personality. Works every time. 😂😅

  • @cainmathewson1857
    @cainmathewson1857 Год назад +1

    Im in kidney failure and on dialysis. I have to very occasionally receive a blood transfusion so... Yeah, this kind of shit scares the fuck out of me

  • @bosvigos9165
    @bosvigos9165 Год назад

    I am English and as someone with B- blood, I would give an armful whenever the Blood Donation teams would come along. 9 Years ago, I moved to Ireland and because I have lived in the UK, I am not able to contribute...

  • @amylamb3893
    @amylamb3893 Год назад

    I had a very close friend born with hemophilia. He was born in the late 70s and contracted Aids in the 80s from blood transfusions. He died in 2018. So sad and tragic.

    • @SomewhereSinister
      @SomewhereSinister  Год назад +1

      I’m sorry for your loss.

    • @amylamb3893
      @amylamb3893 Год назад +1

      @@SomewhereSinister Thank you. I never miss your videos.

  • @ellasdee4052
    @ellasdee4052 Год назад

    I remember this oh so well and I've watched several documentaries on it you took all that information and then put it in a 20-minute video wow that is amazing I remember how many people were scared there are all kinds of causes floating around in the air you can get it from water you could get it from a toilet seat it was horrid. One of my very best friends got it through a transfusion, one of the worst things was he never got any health care or any supplements care to watch my best friend die a little bit each day breaks my heart to this day we worked in a liquor store together and there was two signs we stole one and I have it on my wall it stays on my wall I totally reminds me of the Shenanigans we used to pull

  • @sylviasnyder6751
    @sylviasnyder6751 Год назад

    Geez Jiles --- this is some scary content!

  • @reginagilby1101
    @reginagilby1101 Год назад +4

    And did everyone get their compensation??? I doubt it…

  • @theresawilliams3341
    @theresawilliams3341 Год назад +3

    Hiya Jiles! Just in time for bed. Thank you. ❤

  • @primesspct2
    @primesspct2 Год назад +1

    Here in Ohio the VA had a massive outbreak of hepatitis, and nothing was ever done. My brother in law got it there, he is a 2 time war vet ,and thats the thanks he got. Infected with Hep C . it was covered up, and they wont even pay for the cure!

  • @ashleywalsh6113
    @ashleywalsh6113 Год назад +1

    Will you please cover the awful corruption 'Horizon' case. The UK, for its size, is so corrupt, the Horizon case, as with this one, are both just tips of the iceberg.

  • @tishfox2858
    @tishfox2858 Год назад +7

    I do believe,correct me if I'm wrong,,,that donors in USA get paid to donate blood,which can point to anyone with bad life styles may be desperate for the money.Here in the UK donatIons are for free.Obviously contaminated blood affects anyone for whatever reason that is deemed necessary to be transfused.,not just Haemophiliacs.Thank you for the video,as always.

    • @sharonthompson672
      @sharonthompson672 Год назад +4

      We have both in the U.S. Red Cross donation centers and places that buy your plasma. (Plasma is valued for having a longer shelf life) There's a New York Times article about the business if you're interested in learning more.

    • @kermitdfonzz2138
      @kermitdfonzz2138 Год назад

      No. People are not paid for blood donations in the US. People are paid for plasma donations.

    • @lorraineyanez4301
      @lorraineyanez4301 Год назад +2

      They sell the blood

    • @msmongooseable
      @msmongooseable Год назад

      In the USA it is also sourced from prisons

    • @tishfox2858
      @tishfox2858 Год назад

      @@msmongooseable Yes,so the video said,thanks 👍

  • @YunaElphabaLovegood
    @YunaElphabaLovegood Год назад

    Now I don't know how it was done at the time you are talking about in the US and UK.
    But I am a plasma donator in Austria and just to make it clear: If you donate plasma, that's what you are doing. You are not donating blood and they take the plasma out of it later.
    The machine gets some blood out of your body, it seperates the plasma from it and you get the blood back. Then a new cycle of the same starts.
    That's why you are allowed to donate plasma up to 3 times in 2 weeks.
    I recently saw a case about a mother leaving her kids in a car on a hot day to go donate plasma. (kids survived) And she was at the location for hours - I do not know how that's possible, because maximum - unless something happens donating plasma takes maximum an hour here.
    And then they said that she was sent to mandatory drug rehab - how was she even allowed to donate?
    Before every doantion starts they do take a bit of blood and test it. You have to have regular health checks etc.
    SMH other countries really need to do better. I'm not allowed to have taken even an Aspirin in the 24 hours before a donation. (And in Germany it's even a week)

  • @studiosandi
    @studiosandi Год назад

    I remember this☹️

  • @lyedavide
    @lyedavide Год назад +1

    It is a fact that governments all over the world make decisions that are convenient, in whatever way the case may be, at the expense of their citizens. That this calamity was finally addressed by a public enquiry is, sadly, an exception rather than the rule. At the very least, the UK government accepted some token of responsibility, which is more than can be said for many so-called first-world countries.

  • @donovangray4246
    @donovangray4246 Год назад +2

    Sexual intercourse in Jail is not always or even often consensual. It's actually called rape.

  • @saramorisani
    @saramorisani Год назад


  • @kddicks5115
    @kddicks5115 Год назад +1

    Better than nothing??? BETTER THAN NOTHING?? Oohhh, wait…they mean better to have patients pay for treatment, even if it might kill them, then to wholly lose that revenue. 😡😡
    Do any of these doctors remember that part of their oath that says…”First, DO NO HARM”? Did they assume that was optional??🤬🤬 GTFOH!!!
    Stay sane, Jiles! Your efforts are invaluable!!❤❤

  • @Spitfirephotographs
    @Spitfirephotographs Год назад

    Hey there my fellow Sinister Monsters 👋🇨🇦🇨🇦

  • @NIX5s
    @NIX5s Год назад

    Not anymore they don’t. They literally have ads saying anybody can donate.

  • @cindyreinhart9552
    @cindyreinhart9552 Год назад +2

    Oh man...........

  • @ennds4636
    @ennds4636 Год назад +1

    Yet another incident to show us that we as humans never learn. We panic, and believe harmful rhetoric before we actually reach real solutions. Every. Damn. Time. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @VandyFever
    @VandyFever Год назад

    What a great topic. I stopped donating plasma because of the unfair taxation. It is essential for survival for hemophiliacs, so why is it taxed? Biological fluids for fertility are not essential, they are elective, yet not taxed. Blood is filtered through religion, then government, and what is left goes to the patient charged massive amounts of money to stay alive.

  • @tracycheney6957
    @tracycheney6957 Год назад +5

    The hate crimes in the US over AIDs was and is disgusting.

  • @NIX5s
    @NIX5s Год назад

    Sharing is caring

  • @unclemonster48
    @unclemonster48 Год назад +2

    The gay community despised dr fauci back in the mid 80’s. Wonder why?

  • @ananco44
    @ananco44 Год назад +1

    Dallas buyers club is a pretty good movie that shows the issue with saying it's a gay plague.

  • @violagentsch
    @violagentsch Год назад

    So why not find the proteins that are missing and inject those .

  • @constipatedinsincity4424
    @constipatedinsincity4424 Год назад +2

    Hey SoSi 👋

  • @rebylsmother
    @rebylsmother Год назад

    Oh do the humidifier scandal from South Korea next!

    • @SomewhereSinister
      @SomewhereSinister  Год назад

      Our seasons are themed. This season we're covering the British Isles.

  • @michhaynes7272
    @michhaynes7272 11 месяцев назад

    Yet as someone who has a good blood type for plasma they won't let me give blood because of me having M.E or CFS as its also known. But I'm okay with any discomfort it may cause because it's more important to give blood but they won't let me anyway. It's not someone wrong with my blood, just to make that clear. 😔

  • @ericbernardo9161
    @ericbernardo9161 Год назад

    Even vampires around da world is having a lot of problems back then in da 1970s and 1980s 😅😄😁

  • @PatTurcotte-xe2jw
    @PatTurcotte-xe2jw 10 месяцев назад

    Paying people to donate blood is inappropriate. It is also wrong grammatically.

  • @normajeancaballero7959
    @normajeancaballero7959 Год назад

    I clearly remember the phobia and mind set of people during this decade. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

  • @debbieellett9093
    @debbieellett9093 Год назад


  • @phinhnanthasone1231
    @phinhnanthasone1231 Год назад

    There are still restrictions on gay and bisexual men donating blood

  • @voodle50
    @voodle50 Год назад


  • @ellencnixon
    @ellencnixon Год назад


  • @RobbieRobot.
    @RobbieRobot. Год назад

    My whole family have rare blood ...i really should donate 😕 but i don't like needles 😢

  • @dawnrichter8126
    @dawnrichter8126 Год назад

    Jiles, if this enrages you from across the pond, wait until you find out what really happened here 💔#TheRealAnthonyFauci

  • @fred4887
    @fred4887 Год назад +2

    Prison doesn't turn men gay, when inside we just don't have sex, there's no big STI problem in there.

    • @AussieBrit
      @AussieBrit Год назад

      Haha! You're joking...right? "Lifers" KNOW that they will never be able to have relations with any woman, ever again so they can and do engage in sexual activity with other inmates even though they would identify as heterosexual "on the outside." Unfortunately, STIs rage on within prison walls, the same as they do outside of them so, not sure where you're getting your information from.

  • @MrTaxiRob
    @MrTaxiRob Год назад

    alternate title for this episode: who killed Laura Palmer?

  • @gavin6284
    @gavin6284 Год назад

    The UK health service costs around 1/3 per capita of the one in place in the US. While the US healthcare system might be better it is certainly not three times better, and it is certainly not accessible to all. The UK National Health Service (NHS) is free and available to everyone. As a result it is not as robust outside of accute care, and it is necessary to weigh up the wider impact on the populace when it comes to distributing budget.
    As you are an American who is demonstrably overweight, I find it bizarre that you would seek to slag off the UK health care system. A system which is paid for by tax payers, a scenario in which alcoholics, the obese, smokers, and those who make their own problems introduce additional strain.
    I enjoy your content very much, and I mean no offense. I just find this particular subject very sensitive, and I find the US healthcare system (I live here now) to be completely lacking in compassion compared with the UK one (where's your welfare state then, Sir???)

  • @ottomattix86
    @ottomattix86 Год назад

    Jails in Manitoba, Canada definitely hand out condoms on the reg now.

    • @Em-mr6wu
      @Em-mr6wu Год назад

      really? Headingly, Stony Mountain....

    • @ottomattix86
      @ottomattix86 Год назад

      @@Em-mr6wu headingly did at one point.

  • @anniebunny26
    @anniebunny26 Год назад

  • @jafolayellis9013
    @jafolayellis9013 Год назад +1


  • @mrginga4044
    @mrginga4044 Год назад


  • @lorettasearcy1471
    @lorettasearcy1471 8 месяцев назад

    Excuse me but drug addicts who shared dirty needles caught it too, not just homosexual and hemophiliacs.

    • @SomewhereSinister
      @SomewhereSinister  8 месяцев назад

      I never said “ONLY homosexuals and hemophiliacs.” I even mention “high risk lifestyle such as drug use.”

  • @Handletakenlol
    @Handletakenlol Год назад +1

    None of that is good enough in my estimation. Every government official involved should face criminal charges.